Mapping of Cultural Skill Gaps in Key Cities
The British Council is the UK's international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities. The Cultural Skills unit, housed at the British Council UK, focuses on research to develop insights into regional landscapes to inform the organisation's work in capacity building and upskilling.
The Cultural Skills unit wanted to understand the cultural skills landscape in five Indian cities Mumbai, India. It commissioned Art X Company to undertake a research study covering the Mumbai region to identify the skills gaps in the cultural sector. The study also sought to examine the needs of cultural professionals and the lacuna they were facing in their work and in training opportunities.

​The Art X Company worked with the British Council to identify key players in the creative sector from a range of genres, organisation sizes, and strategic focus. The study consisted of multiple layers of outreach including a survey of arts practitioners in the Mumbai region, a focus group discussion, and personal interviews with strategic heads of cultural organisations. The layered approach was suggested in order to reach out to a wider population while also gaining deep insight from key representatives.
Over 50 in-depth interviews covering 7 cultural sub-sectors were undertaken. A report was produced for the Cultural Skills unit, along with a publishable executive summary. Based on the recommendations in the study, Cultural Skills developed a plan for an upskilling programme for India’s culture sector.